The Greetings Today team is back to business, and we hope you’re are all safe and well.
Behind-the-scenes the team have been working hard to create a brand-new website to keep the industry informed with a fresh, easier to navigate and mobile-friendly site!
Also, we have made the business decision to produce a slightly smaller publication, and this is for a few reasons.
We wanted to make the publication more eco-friendly and more conveniently sized – perfect for slipping under retailers’ desks, popping in your bag at shows or placing in pride of place on your coffee table.
Thanks to these changes, we can offer our advertisers better rates to help with marketing budgets, especially under this year’s unprecedented circumstances. So, with Greetings Today now offering a more cost-effective platform to the highest readership across all trade publications within the sector, while retaining our generous editorial coverage, we hope you will agree that the changes we are making are for the better.
We are currently putting together a ‘Welcome back!’ September issue. With no fixed features, we’re offering an issue for all greeting card/gift companies to get involved with. We want to help you to promote your current ranges, highlight your upcoming launches, company anniversary or just good old-fashioned brand awareness. Give Simon Davis a call to discuss how we can be of assistance as we would love for you to be involved!
Tel: +44 (0)7525 201 391