Meet Shop Dog Fozzie

Shop dog Fozzie at Greetings Watton

Fozzie helps run Greetings Watton in Norfolk – shop owner Dan Denyer tells us more about this valuable member of staff!

Name: Fozzie 

Breed : Bichon Frise x Havanese

Age: 2 and 3/4 

Job title: Customer relations officer

Shop: Greetings Watton

Career history: Started as an apprentice 

Favourite thing about being the ’shop’ dog?

Being at the shop his whole life, Fozzie has built a strong relationship with our regular customers. Some customers come in just to see him and bring him treats. He has some older customers who don’t have a family that come in and spend as long as they like having love and fuss. He’s also amazing with our younger customers who struggle in social situations. He also loves it when customers bring in their pups. 

Where can you be found when in the shop?

Normally fast asleep in his bed behind the counter, but as soon as he hears the voice of a customer he knows he’ll be sat waiting at the side of the counter with a wagging tail.

Favourite treats?

Anything chicken! 

Favourite place for a walk?

He loves to walk around the town as he normally bumps into family members or customers. 

Otherwise his favourite place is the woods; he loves weaving around the trees at full speed.

Read our retail interview with Dan in the latest issue of Greetings Today.

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