Stand DP1 D68
Ginger Betty will be on stand DP1 D68, and is really excited to be launching new notebooks, which come in a lovely CDU, as well as new contemporary Christmas designs featuring Owl’s Nest animals on high-quality FSC board, with lovely gold foil captions.
Owner Tracey Colliston says: ‘’The show being in beautiful Harrogate makes it doubly great to visit. There’s such a huge variety of cards and gifts on offer at the show, and the atmosphere is friendly and welcoming. It’s great to catch up with customers and industry friends. We look forward to going now each year. There are amazing restaurants in the town, with all types of food on offer. After the first day there are Sundowners drinks; a chance to relax and chat with fellow exhibitors and customers. It really adds something to the whole experience.’’
01706 557285 |